Saturday, September 15, 2012

We are learning to write a description:

When I walk into my bedroom I see clouds when I look out the window. When I’m tired I sleep in my warm bed with my nightlight on. There are no monsters in my bedroom, it makes me very happy. I get mad and shut the door to be by myself. I like to play pretend games with Kelly.

By André
We are learning to write a description:

When I walk into my bedroom I feel like it is a secret room. When the sun is out it makes me want to put my bed on the floor in the sun where it is nice and warm, especially my comfortable pillow which I love.

By Astrid
We are learning to write a description:

When I walk into my bedroom I see my organised and tidy room. The heavy shelves are filled with heavy chapter books. In my bedroom it is as warm as an electric blanket. I can see pictures of me when I was little in wooden frames. In the morning I hear birds cheep as loud as a horn. At night my bed is as warm as a jersey. In the morning, sunlight shimmers from my open window into the mirror.

By Ayla
We are learning to write a description:

When I walk into my bedroom I think “I wish I had my own bedroom!” In the morning I can hear birds from my bed. I have a big green couch in my bedroom. When I sit on it, it feels soft and warm too. It is sometimes messy in my room.

By Emily
We are learning to write a description:

When I walk into my bedroom I can see messy dress-ups under Grace’s bed. I can see my stuffed dog Doris in my bed. In my cupboard I have books, more that you can think of.

By Fergus
We are learning to write a description:

In Room 14 I can smell the sausage sizzle on Fridays. In the afternoon I hear birds chirping in the trees. I can see my friend, Emily, drawing fabulous pictures. I feel safe with my friends. I see big Reading Gorilla in the corner. I love my classroom.

By Florence
We are learning to write a description:

When I walk into Room 14 I feel the soft, fluffy carpet and I see the big whiteboard. I go to sit on the big, soft beanbag and some cushions. I hear the birds chirping loudly in the trees out of the window.

By Hunter